When you choose Medicine at University College Dublin - National University of Ireland, Dublin (UCD), you choose early patient contact, a world-class curriculum and an unrivalled calendar of social and extra-curricular activities.
At UCD, we’ve been training excellent doctors for more than 150 years. Our curriculum is intensive, internationally recognised and delivered by some of Ireland’s best scientists and clinical educators. You’ll shadow GPs, learn from patient educators and train at some of Ireland's best teaching hospitals.
Our courses are delivered by national and international experts to more than 1,600 undergraduate and 450 graduate students, but despite the scale of our operations, we place community, friendship and student support at the centre of our educational philosophy. We are driven not just by the desire to provide our students with the best possible education, but also by a belief that the health professionals of tomorrow benefit from a supportive, collegial environment, in which extra-curricular talents and interests can thrive alongside academic excellence. I look forward to welcoming you to University College Dublin.
Professor Patrick Murray, Dean, School of Medicine, UCD
Degree: MB. BCH. B.A.O. (HONS)
Duration: 5 YEARS
Year begins: SEPTEMBER
Location: IRELAND
Number of students: OVER 1,200
Course code: DN400

Students at UCD experience the benefits of an integrated curriculum that introduces patient contact and clinical skills at an early stage. Our programmes combine lectures, seminars, case studies, patient education sessions, simulations and clinical-based ‘real-world’ learning. Our innovative UCD Horizons programme allows students to tailor their own degree and choose electives from any part of the university.

Located in the UCD Science District on the Belfield campus, the UCD Health Sciences Centre is a modern, purpose-built facility which houses a clinical skills laboratory, simulated clinical environments, anatomical dissection facility, 120-seat computer-aided learning suite, and over 1300m2 of wet and dry research spaces.

Located in the UCD Science District on the Belfield campus, the UCD Health Sciences Centre is a modern, purpose-built facility which houses a clinical skills laboratory, simulated clinical environments, anatomical dissection facility, 120-seat computer-aided learning suite, and over 1300m2 of wet and dry research spaces.

The main hospitals associated with the programme are St Vincent’s University Hospital and the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, and there are more than 20 other training hospitals and some 100 primary care practices in which students learn. You will also benefit from a diverse range of exciting international placement opportunities.

Over 25,000 students and academics explore and learn in the creative and collegial environment of UCD’s Belfield campus. This attractive, leafy 320 acre campus hosts a unique mix of academic facilities, research institutes, libraries and archival collections, enterprise facilities, student villages, and sports and recreational facilities within a short distance of Dublin’s city centre.

UCD residences vary from traditional halls of residence-style accommodation with shared kitchen and dining facilities, to catered accommodation and self-catering apartments for two to six students. Facilities also include a gym, laundry and a ‘Res Life’ program to build community spirit within the residence.
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